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Best Practices for Rocking Your Next Web Presentation

Best Practices for Rocking Your Next Web Presentation


Remote video conferencing is becoming the norm for the sales process, replacing in-person meetings and product demonstrations with convenient web video presentations. Preparing for a web presentation is different from preparing for an in-person meeting. Of course, there is not the pressure of performing in front of a large live audience. However, you still have to appear as an expert on your product in much the same way, and the addition of technology makes it not so simple.


If you are thoroughly prepared for your web presentation, you should not have anything to be nervous about—in fact, it might be even more helpful in closing the gap between you and potential buyers. Here is a rough timeline for preparing for a web presentation.


Two Weeks Before—Get to Know Your Software


Knowing your demo tools is vital when preparing for a web presentation and later on giving one. You cannot always prevent a technological glitch from happening during a presentation, but there is nothing worse for an audience member than when the person presenting does not appear to know what they are doing.


Practice your presentation with a coworker or colleague several times before the day of the presentation so you are completely comfortable with the technology and material. Also, it is a good idea to test out the user experience from the audience member side of things; test out viewing the software in different formats, e.g. a small notebook screen and a large desktop screen. This way, you will be prepared to give your audience members configuration recommendations no matter what type of screen they are viewing the presentation on so that they get the best viewing experience possible.


Additionally, since you’ll likely be screen sharing, make sure your desktop is neat and impressive, as your audience will be able to view it at certain moments. Also, make sure all of your hardware is working properly—if your headset is hanging by a thread, order a new one, so you are sure to have one that properly works when presentation day rolls around.


One Week Before—Research Your Audience


You likely have audience members coming from a similar vertical or industry, but go the extra mile and research every company you are presenting to. They will likely have specific questions during the presentation, and you should be prepared to demonstrate why your product or service would benefit them specifically.


Two Days Before—Prepare Your Lines


Though you should already have an outline of how your presentation will flow at this point, it is important to prepare for a technology mishap. Prepare some lines to say if you need to stall for a few moments before things start working properly again. Have different lines prepared for various circumstances, so you do not find yourself stumbling over your words when presenting.


Right Before—Have Everything Ready


The last step in preparing for a web presentation is to have everything set to go before your audience “shows up.” If you are using any apps or web pages during the presentation, have them open but minimized in the background before your presentation begins. It will save you several seconds of opening an app or typing in a URL during your presentation, and it will also make you appear more authoritative and impressive. Also, be sure to turn off any computer notifications before you begin presenting, as they might interrupt and cause a distraction on your screen otherwise.


These steps are sure to get you on your way to becoming a web presentation expert. Hone your sales process even more by attending a WebPresent2Win! Workshop today.


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