2Win Blog

How to Improve Your Software Sales Demo Videos with Sales Demo Training

Written by 2Win! | Oct 30, 2017 4:00:00 AM


Did you know that only 5 percent of your prospects — that’s 1 in 20 — will actually remember any of the features, statistics or hard stats you throw out during your software sales demo? According to sales enablement researchers Dan and Chip Heath, just a tiny fraction of your audience will retain granular information given during your presentation, even if they remember the emotion it made them feel.

Yet, 63 percent of all prospects — nearly 2 out of every 3 — remember stories you tell through your product and through your demo or presentation narrative.

This is just one of the many surprising revelations people have when they sit down and study the effectiveness of their sales demo technique. Your own organization must come to  own these hard truths by scrutinizing the effectiveness of your presentation, and reviewing sales demo videos can be the best way to analyze your technique and make strategic improvements.

Reviewing Your Software Sales Demo Videos: Questions To Ask

If you are like thousands of other organizations, you have made at least a partial switch to well-produced software demonstration videos. These videos can be sent to automate the education and nurturing phase for prospects while helping increase the effectiveness of any person-to-person interactions. They also relieve many of the biggest pain points associated with software sales in the modern era.

Some questions to ask yourself regarding your software sales demo videos include:

  • How well are your demo videos working?
  • Are they providing the promised benefits to both you and your client?
  • Is the content of your videos engaging, or memorable?
  • Is your message communicated with clarity and relevance?
  • Are you  storytelling to ensure your message sticks?
  • Is it coming off too salesy?
  • Is it driving a value-based take-home centered on ways your solution meaningfully improves the way your clients do business?

Chances are, these questions have you thinking hard and wanting to review your sales demos now. This instinct is a good thing! We tend to take a lot for granted during the sales process, so scrutinizing our work with a new perspective helps us weed out bad practices and amplify good ones.

However, you may not be able to see 100 percent of what your client sees when you review your video sales demos. Without sales demo and presentation training, you may miss key opportunities to adopt best practices that widen the bottom of your funnel and help you sell more.

Upskill Your Sales Demo Videos With 2Win!

2Win! has years of experience training sales reps and sales leaders in many verticals and nearly every facet of the SaaS software industry. Our comprehensive sales demonstration training services teach you how to produce Demo Videos that are unique and can resonate with your customer. With 2Win!’s sales demo video training, you can learn ways to transform benefits into storytelling and how to hold your audience’s attention during sales demos. Additionally, you can learn how to follow-through effectively after demos to ensure your messaging sticks.

The Demo2Win! program has been able to invigorate sales demos for years in order to connect better with prospects and make them remember you. As we have mastered our own sales video hosting platform, 2Win! Bridge, we have been able to translate our proven techniques into the realm of video production and editing.

Combining the techniques of Demo2Win! and the capabilities of 2Win! Bridge has become a winning recipe for our own reps, so let us help you cook up enjoyable presentations that will keep your audience engaged.