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2 min read

Is Video Making Your Sales Team Lazy?

Sales video content is an amazing tool that we here at 2Win! use ourselves, albeit with one major caveat: a sales rep always has to be manning the till. Too many modern sales reps leave a video link in someone’s inbox and call it a day, like a...

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New Program Offering: Demo2Win! Masters

Hey Demo Pro!

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2 min read

4 Predictors You Will Be a Top Sales Rep in the Future

Sales reps who can prepare for the new face of the future will be in a prime position to become top reps in their future careers, and they may even...

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2 min read

How to Create Sales Demo Videos That Don’t Suck

In our time-pressed society, video product demonstrations have increasingly replaced live ones in the sales realm. Pre-recorded demo videos can allow...

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3 min read

5 Top Trends to Keep You on Top of Your Sales Profession in the Next 5 Years

Sales has come a long way from the days of a man travelling door-to-door in a checkered suit selling vacuums, but many sales reps and managers stay...

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2 min read

Effective Leadership – What Basketball Coaches & Sales Directors Have in Common

We are lucky enough to have a former NBA player grace the ranks of our sales team, John Coker, and he has recently been promoted to Global Director...

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2 min read

Touch Point Ideas to Reconnect With a Client

Client leads are like cheap delivery pizza: they are exciting until they get cold. Suddenly, someone who has had several productive conversations...

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2 min read

How Your Sales Team Can Stand Out From Competitors

You know your solution is different and better than your competitors’, but your prospects will never realize this unless your sales approach is also...

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2 min read

Be a Thought Leader in the Eyes of Your Client

These days, everyone is knocking around the title “thought leader.” While it may seem like just another marketing buzzword, it actually counts for a...

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