Sales video content is an amazing tool that we here at 2Win! use ourselves, albeit with one major caveat: a sales rep always has to be manning the till. Too many modern sales reps leave a video link in someone’s inbox and call it a day, like a fisherman nodding off with their reel in their hand after tying on some bait.
Without someone guiding the sales process and ensuring that leads are watching only the “right” videos, a demonstration can do as much good as a worm wiggling its way off a hook. Client leads could just as easily look at other demos for similar products after watching a video that sparks interest. Others important stakeholders could suggest alternatives. Eventually, everyone scatters. And without buy in, your rep has an impossible time getting to a “yes” decision.
Instead, you reps should be not only actively watching their reel, but also baiting their hook with a variety of video content alongside other sales content. Using the right sales video cloud platform can also provide indispensable help, allowing your sales teams to guide their lead actively rather than snoozing and waiting for a nibble.
Sales Video Content Should Never Be on Its Own
One of the biggest keys to using video in the sales process is ensuring that each video sent is a component of a broader overall customer journey. Because most information is delivered through video in bite-sized portions, reps have to be prepared to deliver additional content for viewers to snack on. Otherwise, the leads may go foraging for more information on their own, like a hungry teenager raiding the pantry.
For that reason and many others, sales reps should provide prospects with enough information at a time and instructions on how to find more. For instance, providing them with a direct link to the relevant company page will prevent them from having to type your company into Google, where they could find competitors.
Reps can also check in for feedback on the video and ask if the lead still has an appetite for more. Video content should be made according to each step of the sales process to accommodate these needs, ensuring that the right information is delivered at the right time with an aim towards a final decision as the process wraps up.
Sales Reps Must Guide Leads on a Journey
Sending a product demo video or any sort of sales content is just one breadcrumb along a trail, and the assigned representative serves as a guide. Content should be introduced properly and followed up on. The rep should make themselves available to answer questions or provide information that can help their lead come to a more final decision. Failing to do so invites leads to get lost, distracted or even frustrated.
A Sales Video Cloud Platform Can Provide a Focused “Walled Garden”
Publicly accessible platforms like Youtube are your enemy during the sales process. Anyone who views a video hosted there can find it easily, but they can also easily find videos from competitors or distracting content channels. Similarly, a video sent as just a stand-alone file tempts the lead to go looking for more resources online on their own, where they are bound to find other options.
This is the reason that we at 2Win! developed a proprietary sales video hosting platform to deliver a focused experience to each client. When someone watches a video, the lead can have other related content queued up for them. Reps also get notified every time the video is watched, allowing them to follow-up without hovering over leads waiting for a response.
Ultimately, the combination of rep oversight, smartly coordinated video content and the right video hosting technology can produce amazing results, ensuring your teams can haul in the big ones rather than merely catching 40 winks by the pier.
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